
Shipping Methods



A shipping method has a number of properties, represented by fields.

The full list of supported fields is given below (mandatory fields are marked with *).


Any field not listed in the table below will be ignored if occurs in an API request JSON data.

Field name Description Default value Supported values
shipping* Shipping name string
company_id Company ID Default company id integer
delivery_time Delivery time ‘’ string
icon Shipping icon {} See Main pair
localization String of comma-separated localization IDs ‘’ string
max_weight Maximal deliverable weight 0.00 float
min_weight Minimal deliverable weight 0.00 float
position Payment position in the payment list 0 integer
rate_calculation Rate calculation M
M for Manual
R for Real-time
rates Rates
{‘rate_value’: {
‘C’: {},
‘I’: {},
‘W’: {}
Array of rates
service_id Shipping service ID 0 Valid shipping service ID
service_params Shipping service parameters {} JSON object
shipping_id Shipping ID Set automatically integer
Shipping status
A for active
D for disabled
H for hidden
tax_ids Tax IDs ‘’ String of comma-separated tax IDs
usergroup_ids User group IDs ‘0’ String of comma-separated user group IDs


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